Quote Originally Posted by Mr.D View Post
I don't really differentiate in terms of meat vs veg. I'll eat good food whether its got meat or no meat in it is somewhat irrelevant.
I don't for example crave meat if I've not eaten any fro a few days , I know some people that feel they haven't had a proper meal unless there is some meat in there somewhere.
Same here. I also find if you have an interest in food beyond the central/Northern European diet of potatoes + meat + veg = meal, there are so many different delicious ingredients.

Having said that, I was a veggie for 7 years in my late teens and through uni into my mid twenties. I eat much healthier now. Although I am sure that is also age related. Back then I ate huge piles of carbs (pasta and bread mostly) and so much sugar.

I have recently taking up cooking again now the the kids are a little older and I do notice that during the week when I haven't got too much time, lazy cooking always involves meat for me. I can just chop and chuck some veggies and chicken breast or salmon in the wok, whereas I tend to eat vegetarian only when I cook an actual recipe.

Either way I think the health reason is not quite as straightforward. Yes, many vegetarians are more health conscious in general, but it barely any red or processed meat and organic whenever possible. I'm a stone lighter than I was ten years ago after years of pesto pasta, biscuits and chocolate.