Morning All,

I've just transferred approximately 500gb of music onto my airport extreme and set up iTunes to read from this library (hopefully). I now want to able to see that library from my phone and bluetooth it to wireless speakers etc. Supposedly I can use the Apple remote app to do this, however, the app shows me the networked library but only for streaming to my Apple TV running through the receiver in the lounge. Great but I'd like to understand how to stream it to the bluetooth speaker in the study/office or any other bluetooth enabled device.

Can I get the Apple remote app to do this or better still is there an Music app that will "find" my networked library and play it through my iPhone or iPad? The alternative option is something like a Naim Mu-so (plus Qbs) but I'm loathe to spend that much when I have most of the hardware and just need the interface/connection.

Thanks in advance