Just on a different angle.

If you have £1100 to spend you should spend £1000 on the lens and £100 on the camera body and not £1000 on the body and £100 on the lens.

TBH, your camera is going to make very little difference to the quality of the shots you get, quality being defined in its widest sense.

I'm always minded at this point to remember a black and white photograph of Martin Luther King delivering his "I have a dream" speech. Without a doubt one of the most powerful photographs I've ever seen whilst technically being rubbish, One of my favourite photos.

Ten years ago I bought the works, Nikon body, lenses, the lot. Today the body is junk status but I just pick up a nearly-new s/h example of last year's 'must have' for a third of the price and carry on snapping through the glass! There was a decent Nikon body on SC a couple of days back for about £65 for example.

You'll never regret buying good glass.