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Thread: Pay more for your garden waste collection?

  1. #1
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    Pay more for your garden waste collection?

    A council close to me as of next year are charging an extra £40 a year if you want garden waste collection. You have to sign up for this if you want it or they will not empty your bin. Anyone else have to do this? Also went to the tip the other day with an old piece of marble off our fireplace only to be told i had to pay to chuck it in the rubble container! last time i went which was not that long ago it was free and always had been.

    Why are all these extra charges being added and why do we all just accept it and stump up the cash?

  2. #2
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprite1275 View Post
    A council close to me as of next year are charging an extra £40 a year if you want garden waste collection. You have to sign up for this if you want it or they will not empty your bin. Anyone else have to do this? Also went to the tip the other day with an old piece of marble off our fireplace only to be told i had to pay to chuck it in the rubble container! last time i went which was not that long ago it was free and always had been.

    Why are all these extra charges being added and why do we all just accept it and stump up the cash?

    Because "austerity".

    Local Authorities have no money.
    So clever my foot fell off.

  3. #3
    Master Man of Kent's Avatar
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    Because waste disposal is a business. In my council this has been the case for a few years now. So the result of this has been lots of garden bonfires, with no doubt, other things apart from organic waste being incinerated. Not really what the council wanted, but at least B&Q has sold loads of garden incinerators.

  4. #4
    Craftsman Dunce's Avatar
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    My local authority says it's because they have no money. They have to find the money to clear up all the fly-tipping though. I think their business model needs re-thinking.

  5. #5
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    Our council started charging for garden waste collections this year, £40 I think it is. I think it’s wrong that they charge for collecting waste that is recyclable, they should be charging for collecting waste that needs to go to landfill as this is were the cost is.
    Out council started a recycle campaign a few years ago, it’s now ironic that they charge you for it !

  6. #6
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Can't you compost it down? Great for the soil.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    Because "austerity".

    Local Authorities have no money.
    Mine is charging £30 a year even though they are paying £500 per day contracts and a number of council officials are under investigation and costing £500,000 to either clear them or sack them.

    Nothing to do with austerity in my area.

  8. #8
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    I think mine is £42 per year (per green bin) but they reduce it to something like £37 if you pay by direct debit.

    It’s a joke. You pay council tax on a property with a garden therefore garden waste collection is included.

  9. #9
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    My local authority has been like it for years
    £40 a year to collect waste that will go to compost in the local parks.
    They do not charge you to use the local tip but if you turn up in anything other than a salon or hatchback they turn you aaway because is "trade waste"
    I wouldn't mind but I have to call them at least once a month because they 'forgot' to collect the rubbish
    I have a dentist next door to me and their waste goes in the exact same lorries and is never forgotten even the medical waste!

  10. #10
    £60 for green waste collection here. Worth every penny and gets filled every week!

  11. #11
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    My son is a local councillor and this is a double edged problem for all local authorities.

    All local authorities are totally strapped for cash and the £40 is a good way of paying for garden waste disposal in a system where the waste goes straight into composting and eventual resale. If everyone with a garden contributed, the system would become cheaper and we would have compost squirting out of our ears. Garden waste is a totally different system from domestic waste for which the cost is paid by community tax.

    The downside to this is that many residents do not like paying the £40.00 and end up dumping their refuse, both domestic and gardening all over the place in black plastic bags. This has to be cleared up by the local authorities at an enormous cost. Also the LA's are restricted to what percentage they can increase the community tax by and this prevents them from bundling all refuse collection costs into it which really is the most sensible idea.

    The government came up with the suggestion of the £40.00 surcharge thinking that neighbours would band together in groups of 2 or 3 and share a green bin and split the cost but unfortunately this did not happen.

    The reality is that we have all had many years of our community tax being frozen and there really does need to be a catch up period or services will suffer. LA's employ far less staff today and are genuinely more efficient and this came about in a much needed shake up but there is only so much you can squeeze out of the system.

    I pay the £40 because it is a good thing and it would be good if everyone did the same.

  12. #12
    We have to pay about 40 (have had to for probably the last 7 years or so) it used to be included in the Council tax.

    I don't mind paying as it depended on the size of your garden before so it seemed like those with bigger gardens (or council tax bands) could afford it and it opened the scheme up to anyone.

    Get a discount if renew before a certain date

  13. #13
    Craftsman RJK35's Avatar
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    You ask why we just pay for the "extra" services. Well the problem is they can take you to court if you don't pay the council tax. They have to get approval from the public if they wish to increase council tax above a defined limit, so the cop-out option is to introduce a charge for a service which used to be part of the council tax. Problem solved!
    The garden waste bin charge was introduced in our authority several years ago with a blaze of publicity saying that the authority would be able to sell the compost and therefore reduce council tax. Splendid idea. Only problem no reduction of council tax.
    It's a bit like hospital car park charges. In our area they have just been increased again "to help provide services to patients"
    Perhaps I am an old cynic, but how soon before we have to pay to see a GP so that service can be maintained (despite salaries in excess of £100,000 pa.

  14. #14
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    Pay more for your garden waste collection?

    Here in East Northamptonshire they’ve charged for green waste collection for a while, it costs about £50 per year. There is another contractor who collects on the alternate weeks who charge about the same. For the large garden we have I need both.

    I’ve been a local District and Town Couuncillor so know LA budgets are being stretched but that’s not the root cause of these charges. This started with the introduction of the Landfill Tax which has had punitive and increasing rates over the years. The LA are penalised heavily so want to avoid sending anything to landfill that can be handled by other means.

    Not austerity I’m afraid (public spending hasn’t actually declined), but another hidden environmental tax. By the way about 20% of your energy bills are environmental charges made on the energy companies to subsidise green energy projects - Oh, then there’s VAT compounded on top too.

    The obvious solution is to compost at home and this should be encouraged but householder’s alleys and gardens are full of waste recycling bins instead (I have five). This is called ‘Bin Blight’ in the ‘trade’.

    By far the biggest cost of living burden is the government.
    Last edited by slever; 7th December 2017 at 13:12.

  15. #15
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    I just find it annoying that we do not all stick together and say no. How long would it be if everyone dumped the grass cuttings in the streets until they retracted the decision. Hospital carparks? I will not park in them. Rubble tax at the tip? my rubble will go else where (and i dont mean fly tipping) I just wish everyone else would do the same but it seems far too easy to pay up and shut up.

    As for the grass. How quick does it decompose? my bin gets full to the top with grass cuttings fortnightly.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprite1275 View Post
    I just find it annoying that we do not all stick together and say no. How long would it be if everyone dumped the grass cuttings in the streets until they retracted the decision. Hospital carparks? I will not park in them. Rubble tax at the tip? my rubble will go else where (and i dont mean fly tipping) I just wish everyone else would do the same but it seems far too easy to pay up and shut up.

    As for the grass. How quick does it decompose? my bin gets full to the top with grass cuttings fortnightly.
    I agree. What you refer to is the elastic notion of tax compliance.

    The vast majority of householders (add to the list motorists and middle income earners) are honest and pay their taxes and fines on time. This is the very reason why these groups are targeted for tax hikes - they always pay up and on time.

    Wait until a Land Value Tax gets off the ground. The ‘softening up’ of supplicants has already begun.


  17. #17
    Master aldfort's Avatar
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    I can't see the problem. You either pay for your green waste to be collected or you compost your green waste. The compost will be great for your garden. OK I know some of you only have a patch of grass at the moment but pretty soon you'll be "Digging for Britain" and the compost will come in useful.

  18. #18
    We can buy packs of brown garden waste sacks, which work out to about a £1 a piece I think or we can 'buy' a brown wheelie bin for I think £60 per year (which we have done)

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by aldfort View Post
    I can't see the problem. You either pay for your green waste to be collected or you compost your green waste. The compost will be great for your garden. OK I know some of you only have a patch of grass at the moment but pretty soon you'll be "Digging for Britain" and the compost will come in useful.
    Or you hide it in your normal bin.

  20. #20
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    It’s £50 per year for up to 50 sacks round my way.

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  21. #21
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    I have three sides to my property with many shrubs,Fortunately I can hide ALL of the cuttings behind several shrubs,great for me as its all well hidden 10 mins after cutting,more importantly tho,I like the fact it all rots away into the ground over the winter season,and small animals insects etc all make good use of it too.

  22. #22
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    Councils are strapped for cash, that's beyond dispute. Either increase council tax or increase direct taxation to allow the government to give the local authorities more money, thise are the answers. Alternatively introduce more charges for services that used to be free.

    That’s the reality, time folks accepted it and stopped moaning. Most of us in the UK will become worse off over the next few years and there’s no point in bleating about it. Unless the economy takes a significant upturn the decline will continue.

    Message for the moaners: what would YOU do differently if faced with this conundrum?


  23. #23
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    Yep - £39.99 here in Peterborough.

    I've not had to pay for trips to the local recycling centre though (yet).

  24. #24
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    they weren't free, they were included in our taxes. Now we all think its ok to pay for things we were already paying for.

  25. #25
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    Surely the garden is included in the council tax valuation band and therefore covered.

  26. #26
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    I think they charge around £60 a year for a green bin around here.

    I don't bother as I have a gate to woods behind my house and all the grass cuttings/shrubbery gets recycled there.

  27. #27
    £35 for a fortnightly collection - just been out to fill it as it's collection day tomorrow!

  28. #28
    Master Tenko's Avatar
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    Been paying for this for years where I live. Gets collected fortnightly. Worst of it is, during the autumn months most of the green waste in our bin is leaves that have fallen into our garden and driveway from the trees in the road that the council are supposed to maintain....perhaps I should cross charge them an hourly rate to sweep and bin them up for them.

  29. #29

    Pay more for your garden waste collection?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Can't you compost it down? Great for the soil.
    Exactly. Councils have to increase the % of the total waste stream that is recycled. Collecting compostable waste helps to achieve this EU/ central gov. target but at a cost by creating a new waste stream and masking the real problem of consumer waste or landfill. A % game.

    Nobody collected garden waste in the good old days (of 960 Black Jacks for £1, a staggering statistic that I just can’t get over).

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    Last edited by BillyCasper; 7th December 2017 at 20:43.

  30. #30
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    There is a green right across from my house which the council mow every few weeks, I just sprinkle my grass cuttings on top of theirs.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elanman View Post
    £35 for a fortnightly collection - just been out to fill it as it's collection day tomorrow!
    Same with us except there are no collections between November and early March. Good job all the leaves have fallen. Oh yeah, they haven't and my neighbours and I have completely full bins. Thanks for the value added service.

  32. #32
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    It's been like this for years in my area. You pay extra for a 'brown' bin. Never bothered myself.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  33. #33
    Craftsman cinnabull's Avatar
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    Same as above in Cheshire. No collection nov till march.


  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprite1275 View Post
    A council close to me as of next year are charging an extra £40 a year if you want garden waste collection. You have to sign up for this if you want it or they will not empty your bin. Anyone else have to do this? Also went to the tip the other day with an old piece of marble off our fireplace only to be told i had to pay to chuck it in the rubble container! last time i went which was not that long ago it was free and always had been.

    Why are all these extra charges being added and why do we all just accept it and stump up the cash?
    North Herts perchance?

  35. #35
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    Mine is £40 for the bin and then £35 every year there after. They have regulations on the thickness of branches. If they open the lid and the branches too thick then they don’t empty it! It’s a joke!

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  36. #36
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    I compost our garden waste, but thought I'd check how much our council charges. £85 per annum plus £14 admin fee. No thanks.

  37. #37
    Master village's Avatar
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    Any further south and i would have wet feet
    No extra charges here and neither should there be. I pay enough council tax and it should be included in that.

  38. #38
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    Wait until they start chipping the bins and we have to pay by the kilo to get waste removed, it'll be like the 70s on some estates!

    It does seem like an easy target, no doubt there'll be a market for refuse collection in a few years for private residences, whilst council tax keeps on rising.

  39. #39
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    Ours is about £35 a year, was £25 until recently. Not a big deal as we have a large garden and it seves a purpose

    What annoyed me was loading it with apples from the Bramley tree and finding a note on it saying "Not for fallen fruit - will not empty". Cue council putting an article in the local paper the following week, reminding people of this (it was a new rule, of course, many people were caught out)

    So: black bin is for household waste, no garden waste allowed, excess fruit is OK.

    Green bin is for garden waste, not excess fruit

    Strange but true.

  40. #40
    Craftsman mikiejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Argee1977 View Post
    Wait until they start chipping the bins and we have to pay by the kilo to get waste removed, it'll be like the 70s on some estates!
    I’m sure this is likely to happen in the not too distant future.

    The government could go after the manufacturing of packaging, and tax it, but we know how rubbish the gov are at cracking down on big business, so they will charge the public for waste, which will the force business to reduce packaging.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  41. #41
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    Waste disposal/management is a major problem, people have to accept responsibility for the waste they produce and accept the cost for dealing with it. What would the moaners really do differently?......

    Normally I’m not one for defending councils but I do think they face a lot of challenges thesedays. Could the moaners do any better given the constraints the councils have to work under? Ask yourselves that question honestly.

    If you can’t afford the extra £40/£60 a year for garden waste collection I suggest you all spend less on watches!

    Last edited by walkerwek1958; 8th December 2017 at 21:27.

  42. #42
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    I don't understand it. If you've got a garden, why aren't you composting? It's as simple as that.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  43. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    I don't understand it. If you've got a garden, why aren't you composting? It's as simple as that.
    +1.........ideal alternative for those who don’t want to pay for a bin emptying.


  44. #44
    Master -Ally-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    I don't understand it. If you've got a garden, why aren't you composting? It's as simple as that.
    Indeed. The charges should be punitive.

  45. #45
    Not everything composts.
    I do compost but our free bin is good for hedge trimmings, small branches and the like.

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    Councils are strapped for cash, that's beyond dispute. Either increase council tax or increase direct taxation to allow the government to give the local authorities more money, thise are the answers. Alternatively introduce more charges for services that used to be free.

    That’s the reality, time folks accepted it and stopped moaning. Most of us in the UK will become worse off over the next few years and there’s no point in bleating about it. Unless the economy takes a significant upturn the decline will continue.

    Message for the moaners: what would YOU do differently if faced with this conundrum?

    who said I was moaning, OP asked if anyone else was paying!

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    I don't understand it. If you've got a garden, why aren't you composting? It's as simple as that.
    I do compost but have more waste form trees and hedges than I need.

  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
    Waste disposal/management is a major problem, people have to accept responsibility for the waste they produce and accept the cost for dealing with it. What would the moaners really do differently?......

    Normally I’m not one for defending councils but I do think they face a lot of challenges thesedays. Could the moaners do any better given the constraints the councils have to work under? Ask yourselves that question honestly.

    If you can’t afford the extra £40/£60 a year for garden waste collection I suggest you all spend less on watches!

    My local council has a panel of about 13 councillors to give you (taxi drivers) a slap on the wrist and ask you to explain yourself if you go over a certain amount of points for speeding. They are all getting paid to be there.
    I have to go before a licensing sub committee next Tuesday because I dare to put a private hire vehicle on that is not a brand new car (it’s only 6 months old) there will be about 8 councillors, the head of the licensing department and their legal representative.
    Don’t tell me councils don’t waste our money.

  49. #49
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elanman View Post
    I do compost but have more waste form trees and hedges than I need.
    Decent compost is like black gold. It's not a question of 'how much do I need' but 'how much can i get' :))

    But if you do have alot of excess and live in an area where you can't have a bonfire or don't have a decent chipper then i guess it might be an issue.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  50. #50
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Not everything composts.
    What garden waste doesn't break down into compost?
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

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