Great to see them here too. I sometimes surf their online catalogue.

The 3 Carré designs look great - except for the stinking plane.

The Diver Look Carré I bought years ago and sold to a friend (why Zeno calls it Zeno Army and also Diver Look Carré, I can not fathom). He still wears it and loves it and in my mind too, the design still holds up. A great design with the NABO hands, plus it has a anchor - instead of the stinking plane.

I like the Stairs and Race models too - except for the stinking plane.

I would buy any of the above mentioned watches in a heartbeat, were it not for the stinking plane.

Now if anybody has got the impression that I do not like the stinking cargo plane, they are absolutely right. Why they stick it on there, I do not know. A plane contradicts the design of many of the Zeno models, some of which are retro design and where it makes even less sense to put a modern plane on the dial. Some might say that I am nitpicking, but I just can not look beyond the plane, sorry. The watches are great value for money and I want one or more, but just will not own a watch with that abomination on the dial.

I have owned the Army Diver (!) too, but sold it off as I got hit by the big watch curse and it is puny.

I craved the Hercules until I saw it in the flesh. The only Zeno that I have handled among many and been really disappointed about.

Zeno, can we please have a seperate model range for people with a pathological hate of big fat cargo planes on the dial!

Rant over - thanks for your patience.