Quote Originally Posted by Pitch3110 View Post

Whilst on dough, something else to try.

I knocked a dal up last night for dinner and these flat breads are perfect to dip.

I use 3 desert spoons of self raising flour three natural yogurt and half a a teaspoon of salt. Bang it all together, add more flour if the mix is really sticky but don't make to dry. Split and roll out really thin on a floured surface and cook in a dry frying pan on a 3/4 heat. Nice to finish with a bit of brushed warm butter.


Tried this tonight, used 50:50 wholemeal rye & strong wholemeal. Think it might of been a touch wet as it stuck like sh!t to a blanket when rolling out. Fell back to the old roll it out between cling film trick. Added some garlic purée and chopped chilli to the mix too but lost the flavours so will add them to butter next time.

Just fired the sous vide for tomorrows pulled pork.