John’s Slow Roasted Duck Recipe


Duck, fresh
Roasting Pan, preferably cast iron with back on enamel, with cover
Grade A maple Syrup
Garlic Powder


Thaw duck if frozen, place duck in Roasting Pan two days prior to baking.

Add Maple Syrup with duck in pan; make sure that you have at least ¼” of Maple Syrup covering the bottom of pan after you pour maple syrup on duck.

Add salt, pepper and garlic power to taste. *more garlic power is better.

Add a tiny bit, a pinch or two of Oregano.

Let Duck Marinate for two days in fridge.

At least twice a day baste duck in sauce and insure to cover the duck

Cooking Instructions:

Preheat over to 200*F, then place duck (covered) in over, bake (slow Roast) for 3-4 hours depending in size of duck. The reason you want 200*F is that is the optimal internal temperature for the duck to eat, and be well cooked. Slow roasting achieves this without drying the duck. Baste the duck at least once.

Heat oven to 425*F with duck inside oven. Baste duck, and bake for approximately 1 hour, or until desired golden brown baked color of duck is desired.

Remove duck from oven and baking pan, place on serving tray and cool for 10 minutes.



P.S. Works well on Goose as well...

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