Quote Originally Posted by Wilson_smyth View Post
So, brag about how many watches you have access to, followed swiftly by a two finger salute to everyone with an opinion.

It's a discussion forum mate, if you're so adversely affectrd by opinions that don't allign with your own that you have to peacock followed a big ol rude shit on everyone, instead of just enjoying the discussion, then prob best to put down the internet and walk away.
Ahh ok so my opinion is more offensive than others saying you need to be on drugs to buy one! I was demonstrating that despite a large selection to chose from and despite 35 years of owning and enjoying some of the nicest that there are I have settled on a little shitty Bremont so they must float someone’s boat.

I’m more than happy if you want to come and help me stick my opinion in the illustrated place in fact I’d quite like it