Quote Originally Posted by pacifichrono View Post
I believe the correct question is: when is the best time to buy what market segment?

I think different companies and different sectors will bounce back quicker, or lag behind longer. An index tracker will smooth that out for you, but will also "dull" the benefits of the upswing. Picking the right stocks, the right industries, AND the right timing will be a real challenge in this market we're now pioneering. It's not for the faint of heart.
Very true, apart from doing shop runs/maintenance jobs for people I'm using time at home to get a better education on stocks/ETF's and find it very interesting, I have had a little play with some cheap shares and done okay.

As time goes by I will narrow down certain sectors and watch shares within those sectors, getting this right could determine a big part of your and your families future, its not lost on me that many investor websites are saying this could be the best possible time in history to buy into stocks, yes there is a tragic element to all this but as I said before that is on other threads and this thread is about the economic side to the epidemic.