Just thought I would post this, Eddie and other on-line retailers, photographers, etc here may find it relevant, sorry if its old news but forgive me, I would like to spread some awareness…

We have had some lifestyle / product images on instagram knicked by amazon*. They* then re-post the images on Pinterest like adverts, with product links back to amazon - basically stealing our content to advertise similar, alternative, or categories of products on amazon. Apparently they* get away with this because they* are stealing UK content and linking to the US site amazon.com. So UK law can’t do anything. However Pinterest are taking them down as they are reported.

What seems to be a “tell” is if the “pin” only has “amazon.com” as a bold title and no “follow button” or “logo badge” for the original user / pinner. So it appears a multi-billion dollar* business is too lazy to create its own content, support other content creators, ie give something back - and just use without permission what it can…?

*or a third party