Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post

Rather than seeking approbation from the crowd by belittling other people, as you very commonly do and as you are attempting to do here, why not try a more positive approach.

Why not point out why my comment was actually incorrect, if it was incorrect. Why not say what a private equity fund really is, if you really think I used the terminology incorrectly.

Except of course I didn't use the term incorrectly, did I. A private equity fund is exactly what I implied: An investment fund that (amongst other strategies) may buy companies, restructure them, and resell them.

Such funds have, rightly or wrongly, become notorious in the common view for gutting companies so as to generate short term profitability (thus allowing a profitable trade sale at what is in effect an artificially inflated price) whilst destroying the companies' long term sustainability. It is this behaviour (whether common or rare) that was the subject of earlier comments.

Now, rather than snarking, rather than seeking attention, rather than poking fun for the sole purpose of making yourself look good, why not engage in a positive manner if you think I am mistaken on any of these points.