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Thread: Anyone else skip breakfast?

  1. #1

    Anyone else skip breakfast?

    Since I was young I always struggled with eating first thing in the morning and it often left me feeling rather bilious for a while after.
    As I got older I started to miss breakfast all together and I felt no Ill effect at all.
    Then about 15 years ago after getting moaned at by the MIL I started eating breakfast again
    Nothing had changed and I got that sick feeling once again
    Ive always struggled with my weight, floating between normal and rather tubby and for the last 6 months got back on to a serious health kick again. Turning 50 and seeing more and more friends with health issues has spurred me on somewhat. Ive always questioned whether breakfast is as important as its made out though as
    on the days I dont eat breakfast I feel no downsides. Id go as far as saying I feel better on the days I dont eat it and I look forward to lunch and evening meal better.
    Has anyone else noticed this?

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  2. #2
    Im the same, the last thing I want to do when I wake up is eat and I feel quite sick afterwards if I do. I also tend to eat lunch late as well, often after 2pm and only then because I know Ill start to feel ill if I dont.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Nah I've gotta put some fuel in the tank, been fasting for 7 or 8 hours whilst asleep. Do find I'm not especially hungry at lunch time though, but that's the heat at present.

  4. #4
    Of course it's not as important as it's made out to be by people that say it's important!

    Don't eat it if it makes to you feel worse and tell your MIL to butt out!

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  5. #5
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    I only eat breakfast if I feel hungry in the morning (probably two or three times a week) and when I do, it's only two slices of toast. I did read somewhere that the old "most important meal of the day" chestnut is a myth. It's not important to me, anyway.

    I have to have coffee though, that's not negotiable.

  6. #6
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    I dont have breakfast and generally my first meal will be late afternoon or is really busy evening meal. However if I am going to do strenuous activity for a long period then I will force my self to have some porridge and banana. Other wise I exercise fasted.

  7. #7
    I skip breakfast when i want to lose weight and even though everyone will tell you that doesnt work, it does work for me.

  8. #8
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    Spending many years as an early starter (from 04:30 in the old days) I very rarely ate breakfast - usually about 10 and thought of it as lunch then nothing until my evening meal around 6
    Now Im retired I tend to catch up with friends a few times a week for brekkie and tend to skip lunch

  9. #9
    Master smokey99's Avatar
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    There probably needs to be some indicator of age and / or lifestyle when answering this.

    I very rarely skip breakfast unless eaten quite large and late the previous day.

    But usually limited to a pastry/yoghurt when I arrive at office.

    Age 51, reasonably active but not rigorous sporting activity.

  10. #10
    Master vagabond's Avatar
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    I'm the same, in my 50s now and never been that bothered by breakfast as I usually don't feel that hungry.

    As a kid, my mum used to worry and make me drink a glass of milk and gulp down a half boiled egg () at least before going to school. As an adult it's been mainly a cup of coffee or two that sees me through to lunch.

    I've also noticed that if I have cereal (typically porridge or shredded wheat type stuff), it makes absolutely no difference to how hungry I feel at lunch. However on the few occasions I have treated myself to a full English breakfast, that will keep me going till dinner time.

  11. #11
    Master reggie747's Avatar
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    Just a bowl of cereal gets me out the door...

  12. #12
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    porridge, toast or cereal. When in blighty, twice a week, bacon or tomatoes on toast. My stomach calls me about 7am.

  13. #13
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    No, never missed breakfast, it's a bit like not having a watch on your wrist if I were to miss it (breakfast).
    Always porridge and blueberries or prunes😁 gets the bowels moving 👍

  14. #14
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    I need to eat first thing. Even if it’s a simple slice of toast and a glass of juice.
    I can easily miss dinner though. I hate going to bed on a full stomach so try to eat my last meal by 19:30 at the latest.

  15. #15
    Master RLE's Avatar
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    Depends on routine for me. If Im up at 7am, I find it hard to immediately have something to eat. Conversely, If Im up and about from 5am, Im usually pretty hungry come 7am.

    I would say having breakfast helps me keep a more consistent weight. Whether thats metabolism related Im not sure but I am quite fortunate with skinny genes anyway. Certainly feel less lethargic when I have had breakfast though and of course helps with avoiding snacking mid morning.

    Strangely struggle with early morning eating if I know I need a fuel source. Usually want a larger breakfast before I go out cycling but irrespective of what time I get out of bed, I rarely feel like consuming food.

    Another consideration is how late in the evening I have tea. Rare I eat later than 6pm, but on the occasional weekend I have a late meal (say 8pm to 9pm) breakfast is often the last thing on my mind when I get up.

  16. #16
    I never eat breakfast or supper, I may have a small snack around 11ish but normally we sit down to a decent meal around 5pm and I even have to watch my weight.

  17. #17
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    I'm in the other camp. I never miss breakfast and get really crabby if I don't get some food into me!

    I'm 60 and did over 30 years of shift work getting up at 5am. In the early days I often did not eat before I went to work but as the day got busier the opportunity to eat disappeared and I ended up eating a really poor diet and consumed anything that I could get my hands on much later during the working day. Not good. So I got into the habit, no matter what time I had to go to work, I always had a big bowl of oats or muesli to set me up. I think I've conditioned myself now to never miss it!

    I've always 'worked out' and find that I want to eat most of the time so I now have 4 reasonable size meals each day but for me breakfast is one of the most important ones.

  18. #18
    Master Franco's Avatar
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    I am one of those that never miss breakfast. Usually have moka coffee with a shadow of milk, and then a bowl of porridge Scottish-italian style, i.e. savoury with a bit of Parmesan and chilli powder in it. Being diabetic, this suits me well.

    That keeps me going well into lunch at 13:00/14:00.
    Last edited by Franco; 22nd June 2022 at 21:23.

  19. #19
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    Similar to you OP, I've not eaten breakfast regularly since I was a child. Just don't feel hungry first thing in the morning, and the very thought is offputting. Even when training hard for races, I seem to make up the calories I need elsewhere in the day. The only exception to all of this is on holiday, when strangely I'm quite happy to eat a fry-up, yoghurt and fruit, whatever's on offer - no idea why!

  20. #20
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    I generally don't eat anything before midday, and have been this way for the past 20 years or so. The only exception is if we are away (hotel or holiday) then I'll join Lynne for breakfast.

  21. #21
    Master KavKav's Avatar
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    I like strong tea with four slices of toast with Marmite smooth peanut butter on two slices. Yes, I know it is not healthy and not to everyones taste but it works for me!

  22. #22
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    I eat breakfast religiously and depending on how much time I have, that usually determines how much I eat/drink.

    My view on whether or not you need breakfast comes down to science, calories in, calories out. And of course what your goals/intentions are.

  23. #23
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    I seldom have breakfast when I am working, though I find if I am home I will more often than not join the family at breakfast time.

    Throughout my life though I have felt the same as the OP and the last thing I would want to do after waking is eat.

  24. #24
    Grand Master Onelasttime's Avatar
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    2-3 mugs of tea first thing, then have a bowl of oat muesli at about 9.30. On weekends I don't usually eat before 11.

    If you want to lose weight, apparently not eating anything after 6-7pm works. You can fuel up during the day but then nothing in the evening. I've never needed to do it, just read about it somewhere.

    Makes sense I suppose as your body's metabolism will be slowing down in the evening so doesn't need a huge dose of calories to contend with. Unless you work nights. All bets are off then.

  25. #25
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    Used to get lectured about not eating breakfast all through my teens and beyond. It has been proven to be a myth and is certainly not the most important meal of the day.

    I havent really had breakfast since I was 15. I dont need the consumption of food to get me going in a morning. Usually eat lunch at about 1pm and sometimes miss that too if Im not hungry & hold on until dinner. Today being one of those days.

    Strangely the only exception is staying in a hotel / on holiday where I then tend to eat breakfast in 2 weeks to make up for the weeks I eat nothing.

    If Im travelling east I will always be eating a traditional cooked breakfast before then exploring noodles, dim sum, sushi, soups and pastries. I find I need 3000 calories to sit by the pool and keep me going until lunch. Just cannot help it!

    I do like a good fry up, but will tend to have it as a Sunday afternoon / evening alternative to a roast.

  26. #26
    Can't operate without breakfast, or lunch for that matter.

    I need fuel. Evening meal can be light though

  27. #27
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    When I'm on 12hr day shifts I'm up at 03:30 and never have breakfast. Normally get my first meal of the day at 11am, or later if I'm really busy. Thing is im not really that hungry. When I'm on my rest days, or going onto nights, I normally have poached eggs on toast around 7am but that seems to make me really hungry around 10:30am🤷*♂️

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toddy View Post
    When I'm on 12hr day shifts I'm up at 03:30 and never have breakfast. Normally get my first meal of the day at 11am, or later if I'm really busy. Thing is im not really that hungry. When I'm on my rest days, or going onto nights, I normally have poached eggs on toast around 7am but that seems to make me really hungry around 10:30am🤷*♂️
    Thats exactly my issue. On the rare days I do have breakfast I find myself with hunger pangs by 11 and then its become a day of constant eating as I regularly feel hungry.

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  29. #29
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    I'll always have breakfast but generally miss lunch.

    I'm an early starter so have breakfast around half five then eat my evening meal around seven.

    All good but I am also Type 1 Diabetic so it confuses my Diabetes Nurse but it works for me and the results are good enough.

    Just another example of how different we all are I guess.

  30. #30
    Very rarely have breakfast. When I was young I used to eat when I was hungry, not by the clock. I was as slim as a rake. Must have a couple of coffees in the morning though.

  31. #31
    Never left home without a breakfast even when I used to work shifts and on an 04:30 start, a bowl of cereal or couple of slices of toast.

  32. #32
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    I wait until 11 for breakfast. I could probably do until lunch but I walk 10k before work and do start to feel slightly weak by midday if work isnt fully consuming all my thought.

  33. #33
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Not as soon as I rise but at 8 o'clock I must have my Shredded wheat or Weetabix.

  34. #34
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    I always feel hungry in the morning and if I dont eat I dont feel good i have a large bowl of porridge with a sliced up banana in and cup of tea before I go to work

  35. #35
    I always make time for my breakfast, I could miss lunch if I had too but not brecky :)

  36. #36
    I usually skip breakfast and feel better for it most days.Ive done this most of my adult life
    Id say theres no hard and fast rule other than listen to your own body, if you feel better not eating it then theres your answer

  37. #37
    Relatively recently I started intermittent fasting during weekdays. Nothing after 7PM and nothing before midday, other than water, black coffee, fruit teas, etc.

    I get hungry but it never lasts long. Its helping me maintain a fairly steady weight, since I do naff all exercise and work a fairly desk based job, but I havent noticed any other benefits. Mainly its an easy way to cut out a bunch of calories with any other changes.

    I do listen to my body though, so happily bin that idea and have breakfast if it feels like one of those days where its needed.

  38. #38
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    A Curta breakfast consists of a small coffee that the spoon will stand up in. I'm partial to a cheeky roti canai or wild mushrooms on toast late morning at the weekend.

    I have heard somewhere that hamburgers are the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.
    Don't just do something, sit there. - TNH

  39. #39
    It depends, if I'm going to the gym in the evening or if I have a long day or exhausting day planned, I'll make sure I eat a good breakfast

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsan View Post
    It depends, if I'm going to the gym in the evening or if I have a long day or exhausting day planned, I'll make sure I eat a good breakfast
    What do you eat when running? More carb or protein?

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    What do you eat when running? More carb or protein?

    Before running, something easy to digest and after something which is more protein bias works well for me. Depends on how long/intense the run is though.

    Do you run allot or just starting?

  42. #42
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day ... Those who say it is are repeating an old wives' tale ... If breakfast does not suit you ignore it ... But if you enjoy it make the best breakfast possible ... and avoid the "kornerfluckees"

    ... and if the above is of interest you might want to discover more about the 'microbiome' ... and why some people are more prone to put on weight than others ... and why 'calorie counting' is not so important when trying to lose weight ... All is revealed in this ZOE video if you have the patience to watch :

    Last edited by sundial; 21st June 2022 at 01:55.
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  43. #43
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    no breakfast no lunch, just dinner late about 8:30-9pm as waiting for wife to finish working (from home), but I do drink a lot of coffee!

  44. #44
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    I eat breakfast, but mostly because it gives me time to drink a couple of cups of coffee.

    I could skip the food, but not the coffee, although they are usually the only ones I drink in a day.

    What and when adults eat is their business, surely? Whatever makes them feel best.

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  45. #45
    Grand Master Chinnock's Avatar
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    Two coffees with double cream sees me through to 1pm. Generally eat only when hungry and breakfast treat on rare occasion would be a Full English, otherwise don't bother.

  46. #46
    Master Scrubnut's Avatar
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    Always have porridge with blueberries and banana on. Same as the SAS so it must be ok.

  47. #47
    Master Scrubnut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Curta View Post

    I have heard somewhere that hamburgers are the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

  48. #48
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    Yeah, I'm a fellow breakfast skipper.

    Though the smart arse in me can't resist pointing out that whatever time you eat, you are at some point breaking your fast from the day before.

    Right, glad I got that out of my system.

    Usually eat something between 12 and 2pm.

    But I do like a coffee or two.

    I find it really kicks hunger out of the door - something to do with peptide YY apparently...

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewie View Post
    Spending many years as an early starter (from 04:30 in the old days) I very rarely ate breakfast - usually about 10 and thought of it as lunch then nothing until my evening meal around 6
    Now Im retired I tend to catch up with friends a few times a week for brekkie and tend to skip lunch
    Yep, when I was rising at 4:30 ish I wasn't awake enough to eat, 7:00 was time for a "starting slice", break around 10:30 and tea sometime after 5:00pm, I often get two breakfasts now, One after my medication about 7:30 and then toast when SWMBO get up later, never thinks to ask if I actually want something, just plonked down with a mug of tea/coffee and a "here".

  50. #50
    No breakfast, intermittent faster here, I only eat between 1pm and 7pm each day, obviously there is the odd exception

    As well as staying slim this has many other health benefits too
    Last edited by Vanguard; 22nd June 2022 at 15:10.

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