Santa brought my son a Nintendo Switch for xmas so I've had a go on MarioKart 8 (absolute joy!) and Pokemon Scarlet which is the dullest thing I've ever seen. Are all Pokemon games this slow and boring? I am definitely glad I missed that trend the first time around.

Xbox X I'm on my second run through Farcry 6 (clocked it, went back to finish New Dawn then started 6 again!). Also dipping in and out of a few others, I still haven't done Red Dead 2 yet.

Xbox 360 I'm on and off Portal 2, Farcry 3, Fallout New Vegas and a few racing games (mainly Burnout Revenge.)

Playstation 2 is my current go-to console. It has NO updates to run, NO internet connection required and almost no load times, plus in my opinion the most diverse back-catalogue of quality games for any console ever. I've built up a library of 200 or so games after buying out a Cash Generator before xmas and I am loving life! Already finished Resident Evil 4, GTA San Andreas, Monkey Island and a couple of other retro favourites, plus I'm playing a handful of PS1 classics like Abe's Oddysey and Command and Conquer due to the backwards compatibility! It's 19 years since this console came out and I don't think it will ever be bettered.
After talking about Resident Evil 4 with a mate he's lent me another game called Cold Fear. Same thing, but on an abandoned ship. I've never heard of it before but the reviews and YouTube vids make it look pretty good, that's New Years Day sorted.