Quote Originally Posted by Gareth-W View Post
I think part of the £80M and all of the "add ons" were over 6 years........not the entire amount over the 6 year contract.

As a Hammers fan I just hope they milk it for all he could be worth and take the money for re-investment in the team. And for the player he's going to end up at a much better club with better players around him week in, week out and that will bring him on. Can see him going for £100m plus easily in the current market.

All gone quiet on the Kane front so assume Levy has ruined his career in the Uk, once again........

I shouldn't believe everything I read on Twitter!

I think City or maybe further afield would be a better option. I can't see him improving into the player he really could be at Arsenal. Yes, he'll get CL football but won't win it. Maybe an FA Cup but not the big step up he is well capable of.