Some people don't like the G10 but I love them - a nice slim, simple easy to read watch.

The Fatboy has a really nice watch face - I particularly like the older 'CWC' no circle logo. That subtle difference combined with the vintage style lume is a good look. I like the 'field watch' vibe and to that end have had three G10's - None are issued pieces.

With a 'one in, one out policy' I sold my first one as I rather liked the look of Eddies Prescista PRS 10 so purchased a new one from the shop - I liked the sapphire crystal and the 100m WR. A great watch but I on balance I prefer 'no date' watch faces so that was sold and replaced with another CWC G10.

I know the G10 has traditionally had a circular battery hatch and whist quite cool I guess that might affect its WR rating so that was sold (!) and replaced with a GS Sapphire. I particularly wanted the G10 look with the added WR. This works really well for me and is one I wear most days and on holidays.

I am really tempted by the G22 automatic but it's that 50m WR that puts me off again. If only they would make it with maybe 100m or 200m WR.

With that in mind I contacted CWC recently to enquire if they had any plans to improve this. They tell me that they - 'are currently working on a new model with improved water resistance but will be many months before it will be in production and ready for sale'.

So for me, that may be the one.............!