Quote Originally Posted by Padders View Post
Was the Euro 4 engine fitted as new or was it swapped in? I doubt a modification will be accepted but if the former then I'd skip TFL and go to the source of their data. Speak to the manufacturer and then the DVLA. If you can show them a letter or type arrival cert from the manufacturer indicating the engine is Euro 4 compliant in that vehicle then they will change their records and your V5 to show it and TFL will accept that. I had a similar issue with my 2004 911, which showed no Euro data on the V5 and was thus liable. I got a letter from Porsche UK which showed my car it was indeed Euro 4 (listing the chassis number too) and they sent me a new V5 to show it. Job done, no more LEZ issues.
What p1sses me off is that when there is no data on the car (and there isn’t on ours; nothing on the V5, nothing on DVLA; nothing on Driver Standards Agency which is what TFL references) TFL seem to default to no compliance.

Most people will trust that TFL must be right when in fact they have done fook all investigation.

If TFL don’t have the data, they should right to each keeper explaining this and that the have defaulted to non compliance until you can prove otherwise. At least that will alert the keeper to do some of their own investigations.

I only chased this as I serendipitously noticed that something was not right when I looked through the cars documentation. No idea why I did this, but if I hadn’t that would be a old car needlessly sold on.