Quote Originally Posted by earlofsodbury View Post
Managed to scratch the crystal of my U1 yesterday -

A pretty unremarkable happenstance, except it's not the AR that's scratched - I removed it yonks ago as its previous owner had already damaged it - no, it's the ruddy sapphire itself!

Something in our so-called 'granite' (actually a dolerite of some sort) worktops was hard enough to abrade it. It's not impossible that there's some corundum in the stone I guess.

Faintly irked TBH, as I'd not expect it to get scratched, but it's a tool watch and already has some very light marks in the metalwork, so I can live with it.
Put the first scratch in the AR on mine a few weeks ago, have to admit it's pretty faint though.

Exactly, they're meant to be used. A proper tool watch!

Mind if I ask how you removed AR on yours? Been umming and ahhing about doing mine for ages.