Quote Originally Posted by Mr Curta View Post
Just renewed with LV. Two vehicles insured, the 2021 EV went up by 20%, the 2015 diesel Octavia by 47%. Go figure. Combined total just short of a grand now, feels like I got off lightly.
A mate got lightly bumped in the rear (oooh, Matron!) of his 2015 Octavia a few days ago. The 3rd party offered to pay cash instead of insurance, so mate got a quote to fix the dented bumper. Bearing in mind the boot still closes and locks, and the bump was at about 10mph, leaving a bit of a dent and scrape on top of the bumper.

The quote was £1,000+ for a new bumper. Can it be repaired? Nope, needs a new bumper. He's now gone through his insurance and if it's anything like my experience, he'll be waiting a long time to get it fixed, assuming Skoda can even get a new bumper.

The whole insurance/repair/car hire business is a huge legal scam. No wonder there are so many uninsured drivers.

I'm dreading the renewal in June.