Quote Originally Posted by trident-7 View Post
Further to my last post, what the patient pays isn’t necessarily what the dentist gets paid….& when I say gets paid, they have to pay all of their staff wages, rent, heating, materials, laboratory bills, registraion fees, indemnity insurance, etc. etc. out of that fee.

The currency in NHS dentistry is UDA’s….Units of Dental Activity.

UDA’s have a monetary value which isn’t the same for every dentist. I can only speak for myself & my UDA value is £25.55

A case involving lab work, like the two crowns quoted above, is called a band 3 treatment which attracts 12 UDA’s.

So if I did Lammylee’s job he would pay the NHS band 3 charge which is currently £306.80. It cannot be any less or any more.

I would get paid by the NHS £25.55 x 12 =£306.60, so that’s very close but a bit less than what Lammylee paid.
That really is crazy. No wonder there are so few NHS options about these days, just nonsense financially to engage in it.