Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly View Post
That REALLY bugs me as well, Matt - top of the head in shot and they don’t even attempt to make an adjustment. Sadly, I’m unable to adopt your nonchalance as a consequence - whatever I do I’m compelled to do it the very best level that I can.
Was one comedic moment where someone forgot they were on cam & lit a cigarette. No issue in your own house, but not the best image on camera. Bloody amusing though!

Where was the desk top from, scanned back through but didn’t spot it? Toying with the upgrade, then remembered I needed new legs as well or the issue of power exists still.

Spent most of today on loooong calls in the Eames, it is so comfy I could easily drift off in it, which is a worry. Walls still bare, but plans in place. Need to record a call with myself as concerned with hard floor & no real soft furnishing I’m boomy, but probably over thinking things, as I tend to!

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