Just goes from bad to worse evidence stacking up against them all daily, it's hard for decent people with scruples and a moral compass to comprehend how an individual or individuals like Crichton and Venells are comfortable and indeed smug that their actions and 'mistruths' result in victims being imprisoned, losing livelihoods, homes they and their children live in or worse ending lives.

It's a special kind of individual they are a variety of NPD cases incapable of emotion or empathy those whose heart rate doesn't flicker upon witnessing the sorrow and misery they have inflicted on others, they are able to mentally convince themselves of 'their' version of events and speak it like a mantra and normally take retribution on anyone around them who questions their 'truth' as they have a position higher than those calling them out meaning they can do them harm financially or otherwise... Not unlike Trumps WH staff.

On the video at '9.17' Crichton saying "How do we sell this to MP's" she is clearly intentionally looking to create a false reality utterly shameless.

How Venells got a gong or board memberships with Dunelm , Morrisons or indeed Chairwoman of an NHS Trust or became ordained by the church and their 'Ethical investment' advisor is beyond belief but incredibly telling of the upper echelon of society and politics.

In terms of accountability I too worry these individuals will just be named and shamed and little more whereas they should be on trial and the jury made up of all the postmasters who's lives they have ruined.

One things for sure Venells 'Linkedin' page will be fascinating.