I’m more positive about them as I’ve always appreciated the stylish photography, the site / app is well designed, and their taste in vintage has generally been good. Some of their collaborations have been well thought out, though I wouldn’t personally want to wear their brand. Of course it’s hard for any site to combine access to new watches with honest reviews, even without selling them too. It sounds like they have been caught out by covid fuelled tulip-mania, assuming ‘investments’ in a passing fashion can only go one way. I’d throw the first stone if I hadn’t done the same myself. For better or worse, attachment to the shiny watches outweighed the impulse to sell in March ‘22.

In the end though, it’s hardly surprising that their site celebrating the joy of needless conspicuous consumption has suffered during a time of wars, inflation, recession and economic instability. Things may look different when we’re in the next boom, and everyone thinks things can only go up again. However it’s also possible that watches will never again seem quite as interesting as they did over the last decade or so.

As a footnote - I’m stunned to see some of the numbers in this piece, $100 million revenue for the combined operation in 2021, for what to me is some website I look at occasionally, and their second hand watch side hustle.