Quote Originally Posted by Daveya. View Post
I don't think EVS are bad, they are lovely to drive. I just think they are very poor value for money
That can very well be the case for you. It seems to me that those who own one wholeheartedly disagree.
It all boils down to what you expect from a car. If it's aimed at taking you from A to B anything beyond a Dacia is poor value for money.

There are legitimate questions about how the situation will evolve. The insurance market and how it will move is one, and how the government will make up the tax deficit on what he used to make from petrol is another. On a personal level, how you can access cheap charging is a very valid consideration: living in a flat without access to power on your parking space is likely to make the choice for you.

But VFM? Again, the market will decide, and at the moment it seems it is going in a way that should please you.