Quote Originally Posted by j90rdn View Post
Just revisiting this forum after many years away, and saw this post.

Although not completely the same, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease roughly 15 years ago, after a few years of suffering severe stomach cramps. Went through many types of diagnosis and medication before finding something that helps keep flare ups both infrequent and manageable. I'm currently on fortnightly Hymeria self administered injections and it's effectively given me my life back.

If there's anything you need to ask just shout, or if anyone else is going through something similar feel free to PM me.
Very happy for you that your Chrohn’s is under control. Long may it continue.

I've now gone almost three months since surgery, and my weight has increased from 7st7lbs to 9st10lbs, and still increasing steadily. Still got the leg/foot issue but I’m now seeing a physio to treat that. Otherwise, I’m just getting used to managing the stoma with all that entails. It really is a bit of a challenge, but I need to come to terms with it as it’s not going to change.