Quote Originally Posted by pete-r View Post
Morning all, looking for some accessory advice from those more experienced.

I use my bike every day to commute at road speed and am finding the wind noise is really starting to affect me when I get off the bike my ears are ringing.

I wear a Bell helmet with a spoiler peak but facing forward the wind noise is really annoying and I can't ride with my head tilted to the side all the time.

I don't want to use earplugs for obvious safety reasons, so can anyone offer up an option?

Was thinking maybe a windproof cap or head band to go under the helmet like this? I've tried a beanie but it made no difference.


Anyone got any ideas please?


Bit of a late reply to this, but - in my case I wanted to prevent wind noise from overcoming audiobooks and radio broadcasts. I found this product, called "Cat-Ears" on Amazon : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cat-Ears-Ai...dp/B06VY6MH3Y/

However the price put me off so I reinvented them using cheap, fluffy wristbands plastic tied round my helmet strap. They looked fairly ridiculous but they worked really well. You can tell the difference they make by pulling them away from the side of your face for a moment in a headwind. It's dramatic.

Since then I've solved the problem by using earbuds that penetrate my ears a bit deeper.