Before writing I say I'm from italy and my english is not that good...
But I can assure you that this dish is sublime!


For 4 persons use a 1kg octopus.
Cut the octopus in little parts, like 2 cm long.
In a big high cooking pot put some olive oil with a sliced onion and some black olives.
Cook it for two minutes.
Put the octopus in and cook it for one minute while mixing it with onion with a wooden spoon.
Fill the pot with still red wine (chianti is ok) until all the octopus is covered.
Cook it for about 1 hour at medium fire.
If necessary fill with other wine.
And if you like it you can put in a spoon of concentrated tomato sauce.
At the end you should have an addensed wine broth with all the octopus parts and olives swimming in!
Serve in little pots with "fried" bread cubes and fresh sliced parsley.

Hope I can post a pic as soon as I'll repeat this recipe!