A nice position to be in 🙂

The 981s get the plaudits of the purists but only, from what I can tell, really for the soundtrack from the flat 6. I was in a similar position about a year ago and ended up with a 718S Boxster. I drove a few and found the 718S much more user friendly at licence friendly speeds. Mine has the PSE so I get the burbles and pops when I want them! The 981 was great but personally I just found the low speed punchyness of the twin turbo 718S more fun. To enjoy the sounds of the 981 (glorious btw!) it was well over 100mph! It also felt a little dated by comparison.

I would add that whatever you choose will have something special, Porsche just do, but be mindful
of spec - the option list was long and don’t assume anything is included as Standard without a little research!

Finally, I’ve heard loads of great things about the Macan. Brilliant daily SUV but hugely capable sports car if/when you want it. Maybe try one before you rule it out completely?