As I was glancing though the usual Friday thread, looking at the various watches we're wearing, a thought came to mind...

A couple of weeks ago I was in a post office, posting a watch worth a grand or so. The chap in front of me was buying an electricity card for £15, but he wanted to pay that amount with £11 in change and the other £4 on a debit card. The protocol is to not split electricity cards across payment methods (I was totally unaware of this) so he drew the £4 out in cash first, and then paid the full £15 sum.

As I was waiting, I glanced at the time. I was wearing my IWC, just one of a few watches I own. A quick sum in my head led me to remember that the three main watches I wear, along with all the various straps and boxes and things cost me around £7,000. None were bought new of course, as that would have put the figure closer to £10,000. But even £7,000 is a fat chunk of dough for time keepers.

Let's be honest here; a £9.99 Casio is amply good enough as a time piece. Accurate, tough, long-lasting, and easy to own. It's all the watch everyone "should" ever need. And yet we spend sums, which to some folk, would be astronomical and widely unachievable.

So, as collectors and lovers of high end time pieces, how fortunate we are.

Have a blessed weekend TZ'ers, and enjoy your watches!