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Thread: New hip anyone?

  1. #101
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    New hip anyone?

    Sounds like a good idea Kevin, my hip is brilliant with no pain since Mr Ian Carluke performed his magic.
    Sleep I guess will come if and when I’m allowed on my sides.
    Cheers Michael

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    Last edited by Yorkshiremadmick; 15th August 2021 at 12:34.

  2. #102
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spuds View Post
    So glad all’s gone well for you Mick, may I ask how many nights you were in hospital for?

    ….and I’m getting mine on Wednesday.
    How’s You? Everything go well?

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  3. #103
    Master spuds's Avatar
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    Hello Mick all good mate thank you….

    I came in 10am Tuesday and had my op about 11.30/12.00.

    They struggled to get the spinal block in I think, the first go just felt like ‘just above my kidney’ on one side was filling with fluid and made me feel sick, the second go felt like an electric shock jolting between the injection site and my toes but the third go hit the sweet spot and after that and a sedation I was away with the fairies and slept right through!!

    I was back in the recovery room about 2.30 and back in my room about 3.30/4.00 I think, and by 5pm I was walking round the room with a walker for the sake of safety and today I’ve been up and down the corridor many many times and also done the stairs….
    This evening I’ve been told to stay in bed tho ‘cos they were worried I was overdoing the exercises and apparently tomorrow can be the most sore day so I’ve stayed in tonight just in case I need the good drugs and it also gives my wife peace of mind that I’ve stayed in an extra night and had that little bit more professional care and attention….
    I’ve actually paid for three nights as part of the package but I’m sure I’ll go home after physio tomorrow morning.

    I’m using a single stick when I walk, not for the pain or anything but simply to retrain my brain, I’ve limped for so long now that I’ve almost got to learn to walk again and the stick just helps me walk a bit more normally.

    The weirdest thing tho was after the op’ when the spinal block was wearing off and I could feel and move my feet but if you’d hit my todger with a twelve pound sledge hammer I wouldn’t have felt it and I’ve gotta admit that was a bit worrying!!!

    Op went well tho mate thank you and walking and even just standing up is already easier and apart from the little bit of soreness and the occasional almost ‘clunk’ as I step, I really wouldn’t know it was in there…..

    Hope your recovery continues apace mate, and thank you again for all your reassurances and updates.

  4. #104
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    Great mate, well done. Sorry they buggered about with the epidural. Not nice. I was zimmer frame then two sticks then onto one.
    I’ve found for walking outside my trekking poles are fantastic.
    They told you on stairs, Good to heaven
    Bad to hell. ?
    I stopped all pain relief 7/8 am
    Slight stiffness when I first get up, or out of a chair, but two or three steps all good I forget I’ve had it done.
    4 weeks today

    Great you’re OK

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  5. #105
    Master spuds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yorkshiremadmick View Post
    Great mate, well done. Sorry they buggered about with the epidural. Not nice. I was zimmer frame then two sticks then onto one.
    I’ve found for walking outside my trekking poles are fantastic.
    They told you on stairs, Good to heaven
    Bad to hell. ?
    I stopped all pain relief 7/8 am
    Slight stiffness when I first get up, or out of a chair, but two or three steps all good I forget I’ve had it done.
    4 weeks today

    Great you’re OK

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Morning Mick,

    I’m still on paracetamol but that’s it as far as I know and more pre-emptive than anything else I think?

    Just looking forward to going home now and a nice cold beer, one of my wife’s awesome cheese and salad sandwiches (I have no idea why but her sandwiches really are the best I’ve ever had!) and just a little walk outside in the fresh air with her and the dog afterwards.

    Thanks again for all your updates Mick, they really have made my own journey that little bit less worrying, thank you.

  6. #106
    Master Yorkshiremadmick's Avatar
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    No worries
    Have they put you on blood thinners?
    I had ten days of injections. And now 28days of dispersible aspirin 75mg. Apparently that’s what they do up here in North Northumberland to help prevent DVT

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  7. #107
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    I had a total hip replacement of my left hip joint about 4 hours ago. Sat in bed in my hospital room at the moment. Feel fantastic on account of the drugs they have given me. I had a GA but was also given a spinal block while I was under. Consequently I can’t feel or move anything from the waist down. Also can’t feel the end of my dick so I’m hoping they didn’t get me mixed up with the guy who was in for a penis amputation :-).

    Calm before the storm I guess.

    The surgeon shop came & showed me what looked like one of the dog’s bones in a bag after the procedure. It was the necrotic bit he cut out. The head of my femur was absolutely shot. It looked like a rat had been gnawing at it. Worst one he’d ever seen he said. Despite that I rode 100km on my bike last Sunday. It explained why I struggle to walk though.

    Now the recovery & rehabilitation starts….

  8. #108
    Master pacifichrono's Avatar
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    Good luck! Be aggressive with your rehab...but not too aggressive!

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by trident-7 View Post
    I had a total hip replacement of my left hip joint about 4 hours ago. Sat in bed in my hospital room at the moment. Feel fantastic on account of the drugs they have given me. I had a GA but was also given a spinal block while I was under. Consequently I can’t feel or move anything from the waist down. Also can’t feel the end of my dick so I’m hoping they didn’t get me mixed up with the guy who was in for a penis amputation :-).

    Calm before the storm I guess.

    The surgeon shop came & showed me what looked like one of the dog’s bones in a bag after the procedure. It was the necrotic bit he cut out. The head of my femur was absolutely shot. It looked like a rat had been gnawing at it. Worst one he’d ever seen he said. Despite that I rode 100km on my bike last Sunday. It explained why I struggle to walk though.

    Now the recovery & rehabilitation starts….
    you will be back on your bike in no time... trickiest thing will be swinging your leg over it getting onto your home trainer :)

    that numbness is unsettling but will soon pass and you should be back home today?

  10. #110
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    Was kicked out of the hospital on Sunday, after 2 nights. Shame because I was enjoying it. Great food, nothing to do but chill out & an occasional stroll down the corridor & waited on hand & foot. Back to reality now.

    Hip feels great. I can see why people call it a miracle treatment. Puts a smile on my face every time I walk up my driveway. Joint pain free & just the 'honest' pain of trauma from the surgery, which improves by the day.

    The surgeon sent me some photos of the diseased head of femur which he cut out. It's supposed to be smooth & spherical like a snooker ball. He said that mine looked more like an apple core. I can see why it was hurting so much now!

    We can rebuild him.....Hydroxyapatite-coated titanium femoral implant (Non-cemented/Osseointegrated) with ceramic head. Polyethylene acetabular cup.

    Last edited by trident-7; 14th October 2021 at 17:45.

  11. #111
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    Holy thread resurrection.

    Well finally had my MRI a couple of weeks ago after being constantly fobbed off and kicking up a fuss and being told after the first xray that my hip wasn’t in a bad enough condition to warrant an operation. The consultant was absolutely scathing about the lack of treatment and explained the scan in great detail. The cup where the joint goes in is knackered and there’s a big space where bone is supposed to be, the space between both almost none existent, arthritis of the spine and 2 bulging discs!

    The good news is that i’m down to have a replacement hip some time after i return from holiday in December. Would have preferred it before obviously but i’m not complaining!

  12. #112
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    Got my second one booked for 4th October

    Fingers crossed it goes ahead

    Now 18 months post op on my right hip and it's been fantastic.

    Sent from my SM-A526B using TZ-UK mobile app

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noaksey View Post
    Got my second one booked for 4th October

    Fingers crossed it goes ahead

    Now 18 months post op on my right hip and it's been fantastic.

    Sent from my SM-A526B using TZ-UK mobile app
    That’s great news on both counts!

  14. #114
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    Yes fingers crossed it goes ahead.

    Been an awful last few months as its deteriorated badly and I need a walking pole to go any distance now

    Sent from my SM-A526B using TZ-UK mobile app

  15. #115
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    Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland
    Thread resurrection !!!
    Going in for a left hip replacement on 2nd Oct.
    Hoping it works out better than the aborted attempt in March 2022 when
    I took a severe anaphylactic shock to apparently an antibiotic called
    Cefuroxime which sent my heart into meltdown and i had to be shocked
    back twice.
    Needless to say i'm a teensy bit nervous. I'm going for sedation and a spinal
    this time rather than the GA. Anyone done the same ? I'm wondering if headphones
    and music is a good plan as i don't fancy hearing any sophisticated power tools at work.


  16. #116
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    had both of mine done,10 years in on the left,3 years in on the right.rarely even think about them now.

  17. #117
    Join Date
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    In the green, green valleys
    Quote Originally Posted by maseman View Post
    Thread resurrection !!!
    Going in for a left hip replacement on 2nd Oct.
    Hoping it works out better than the aborted attempt in March 2022 when
    I took a severe anaphylactic shock to apparently an antibiotic called
    Cefuroxime which sent my heart into meltdown and i had to be shocked
    back twice.
    Needless to say i'm a teensy bit nervous. I'm going for sedation and a spinal
    this time rather than the GA. Anyone done the same ? I'm wondering if headphones
    and music is a good plan as i don't fancy hearing any sophisticated power tools at work.

    Not hips Iain but broke my leg in 3 places. Had a spinal and sedation on all 3 occasions, 1st time was the main fix.

    Second time 2 days later when they needed to add more metal work and 3rd time they removed the additional screws.

    I also had mild sedation and they asked if I wanted to watch on a screen..... no thanks!

    It's quite an out of body experience, there's no pain but a strange awareness of what's going on.

    I'd say that headphones and music is a good idea.

    Good luck


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  18. #118
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by maseman View Post
    Thread resurrection !!!
    Going in for a left hip replacement on 2nd Oct.
    Hoping it works out better than the aborted attempt in March 2022 when
    I took a severe anaphylactic shock to apparently an antibiotic called
    Cefuroxime which sent my heart into meltdown and i had to be shocked
    back twice.
    Needless to say i'm a teensy bit nervous. I'm going for sedation and a spinal
    this time rather than the GA. Anyone done the same ? I'm wondering if headphones
    and music is a good plan as i don't fancy hearing any sophisticated power tools at work.

    I went in for a total left hip replacement back in January this year, and compared to your fisrt experience it went like a dream! I was absolutely terrified of just having a spinal and sedation, so much so that even when i was having the initial spinal injection i was making sure they were going to knock me out completely!

    I’ve only seen very brief clips of someone having sedation/spunal and it wasn’t for me. It’s obviously a very physical operation and my right thigh, the one i was rolled on to whilst they did the replacement, still hasn’t fully recovered. Nothing too bad, numbness and the occasional spasm and shooting pain which i discussed with the consultant who said it can happen and take a while to return to normal. Have you had a chance to discuss with your consultant, i’m sure he’d be much better at advising you on the noise and discomfort?

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  19. #119
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    May 2016
    My mother had a similar experience on her first knee replacement, ended up in ITU because of the reaction to the GA.
    Second knee replacement was performed under sedation and spinal .
    She was extremely apprehensive prior to the second operation, however after it she couldn’t speak highly enough of the whole procedure & the recovery time was much quicker and patient friendly .
    I won’t go into what she saw , heard and implements used … save to say , like you I would wear headphones and have a good sound track of something distracting playing .
    Best wishes for the procedure and I wish you a speedy recovery to a full , active & pain free future .

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  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by trident-7 View Post
    Was kicked out of the hospital on Sunday, after 2 nights. Shame because I was enjoying it. Great food, nothing to do but chill out & an occasional stroll down the corridor & waited on hand & foot. Back to reality now.

    Hip feels great. I can see why people call it a miracle treatment. Puts a smile on my face every time I walk up my driveway. Joint pain free & just the 'honest' pain of trauma from the surgery, which improves by the day.

    The surgeon sent me some photos of the diseased head of femur which he cut out. It's supposed to be smooth & spherical like a snooker ball. He said that mine looked more like an apple core. I can see why it was hurting so much now!

    We can rebuild him.....Hydroxyapatite-coated titanium femoral implant (Non-cemented/Osseointegrated) with ceramic head. Polyethylene acetabular cup.

    Re: Thread resurrection....Less than 2 years later, silver medal in the UCI cycling Masters World Road Race works!

  21. #121
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    south of the river..
    double post...
    Last edited by bry nylon; 22nd September 2023 at 05:50. Reason: didn't re read the whole thread - realised I had already posted on this..

  22. #122
    Yes indeed Maseman, hope it goes well this time.
    After finally kicking up a fuss after putting up with being fobbed off for years, I'm finally getting somewhere. Still got to wait until end of Oct for meeting with a surgeon, who will hopefully book me in sooner rather than later.
    Was supposed to be back in July, but the junior doctors saw to that.
    Letter dropped on my mat the other week from a consultant visit and follow up back in June. He asked me what I was there for, I said I need a new hip. He said I need no such thing and he'll be the judge of that.
    H asked if I had a scan on it, and I replied yes, pre covid. He sent me down as they had a slot, and an hour later was back in his office.
    First thing he said was would I mind answering a question. Sure I replied. He asked how have I been putting up with so much pain, and pointed out from the scan on his pc, that I have bone on bone.
    He sat me on a chair and tied to manoeuvre my leg in different positions without much success.

    Anyway, his letter has two pertinent sentences. The first one is that this 49 year old man is severely disabled. Te second was, I don't know how this man has been able to continue with work.
    Surely my turn can't be that far away...

  23. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Yes indeed Maseman, hope it goes well this time.
    After finally kicking up a fuss after putting up with being fobbed off for years, I'm finally getting somewhere. Still got to wait until end of Oct for meeting with a surgeon, who will hopefully book me in sooner rather than later.
    Was supposed to be back in July, but the junior doctors saw to that.
    Letter dropped on my mat the other week from a consultant visit and follow up back in June. He asked me what I was there for, I said I need a new hip. He said I need no such thing and he'll be the judge of that.
    H asked if I had a scan on it, and I replied yes, pre covid. He sent me down as they had a slot, and an hour later was back in his office.
    First thing he said was would I mind answering a question. Sure I replied. He asked how have I been putting up with so much pain, and pointed out from the scan on his pc, that I have bone on bone.
    He sat me on a chair and tied to manoeuvre my leg in different positions without much success.

    Anyway, his letter has two pertinent sentences. The first one is that this 49 year old man is severely disabled. Te second was, I don't know how this man has been able to continue with work.
    Surely my turn can't be that far away...
    Pretty much my exact experience! After going back and forth for a good few years and getting fobbed off time and again, one meeting with a consultant and a proper scan and i was given a date and had the op within months.

    Hope you get it done asap and all goes well!

  24. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Davidd View Post
    Pretty much my exact experience! After going back and forth for a good few years and getting fobbed off time and again, one meeting with a consultant and a proper scan and i was given a date and had the op within months.

    Hope you get it done asap and all goes well!
    Thanks Davidd.
    I do have quite a high tolerance of pain threshold, but sometimes the agony of this can be excruciating. I can get it shuffling around Tesco pushing a trolley.The most painful is if I am kneeling down and then try to get up.

    The sad thing is, the little bit of pain I have in my left groin, I know what that is going to turn into now...

  25. #125
    Well, got a text message of NHS today saying I've got an online letter to read. Good news is that ive forgotten the appointment with consultant is on the 9th Oct rather than 31st as I thought. Bad news is they've now delayed it until mid November due to unforeseen circumstances. Thats the 4th time ive been shoved back since June...

  26. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Well, got a text message of NHS today saying I've got an online letter to read. Good news is that ive forgotten the appointment with consultant is on the 9th Oct rather than 31st as I thought. Bad news is they've now delayed it until mid November due to unforeseen circumstances. Thats the 4th time ive been shoved back since June...
    That must be so frustrating, hopefully it’s the last time.

  27. #127
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    Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Yes indeed Maseman, hope it goes well this time.
    After finally kicking up a fuss after putting up with being fobbed off for years, I'm finally getting somewhere. Still got to wait until end of Oct for meeting with a surgeon, who will hopefully book me in sooner rather than later.
    Was supposed to be back in July, but the junior doctors saw to that.
    Letter dropped on my mat the other week from a consultant visit and follow up back in June. He asked me what I was there for, I said I need a new hip. He said I need no such thing and he'll be the judge of that.
    H asked if I had a scan on it, and I replied yes, pre covid. He sent me down as they had a slot, and an hour later was back in his office.
    First thing he said was would I mind answering a question. Sure I replied. He asked how have I been putting up with so much pain, and pointed out from the scan on his pc, that I have bone on bone.
    He sat me on a chair and tied to manoeuvre my leg in different positions without much success.

    Anyway, his letter has two pertinent sentences. The first one is that this 49 year old man is severely disabled. Te second was, I don't know how this man has been able to continue with work.
    Surely my turn can't be that far away...
    Wishing you all the best mate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Damn !! That's not good.


    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Well, got a text message of NHS today saying I've got an online letter to read. Good news is that ive forgotten the appointment with consultant is on the 9th Oct rather than 31st as I thought. Bad news is they've now delayed it until mid November due to unforeseen circumstances. Thats the 4th time ive been shoved back since June...

  28. #128
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    Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland
    Thanks guys,
    Had my pre-op yesterday so looks like all systems go for monday.
    I'll update when i can.


  29. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by maseman View Post
    Thanks guys,
    Had my pre-op yesterday so looks like all systems go for monday.
    I'll update when i can.

    Very best of luck to you mate.

    Did you discuss the sedation plan and and music distraction stuff with the consultant?

  30. #130
    Any update to this Maseman? Hope all went, and is going well.

    After waiting since July ,and 3 cancellations had an appt yesterday. Upshot after months of waiting, I’m not suitable for hip replacement even though I’ve less than 30% mobility.
    She advised best course of action to be referred to a hip resurfacing specialist…
    I asked how long I’m from the top of the list for a replacement hip, she said 6 months.
    Said I would look to be seen by new consultant within 6 weeks for a chat.

    Cue appointment letter arriving in my inbox for June 2024.

    They need to give he or she who sends these letters out, whether in the office or sitting at home in their pants a rise, or promotion…If everything was as efficient as letter sending out the NHS would be on a winner.

    I did ask how much worse the leg could get. Consultant advised I will get more pain, and joint will get stiffer. However when she compared scans from 2020 and last one a couple of months ago, she could barely note any difference, so my initial thought was it can’t regress much more than it is now.

    Currently on hold to someone to see if they can do anything about the appt being in 2024, they assure me my call is important to them, but I’ve only been on hold for 80 minutes so far….

  31. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by deanlad View Post
    Any update to this Maseman? Hope all went, and is going well.

    After waiting since July ,and 3 cancellations had an appt yesterday. Upshot after months of waiting, I’m not suitable for hip replacement even though I’ve less than 30% mobility.
    She advised best course of action to be referred to a hip resurfacing specialist…
    I asked how long I’m from the top of the list for a replacement hip, she said 6 months.
    Said I would look to be seen by new consultant within 6 weeks for a chat.

    Cue appointment letter arriving in my inbox for June 2024.

    They need to give he or she who sends these letters out, whether in the office or sitting at home in their pants a rise, or promotion…If everything was as efficient as letter sending out the NHS would be on a winner.

    I did ask how much worse the leg could get. Consultant advised I will get more pain, and joint will get stiffer. However when she compared scans from 2020 and last one a couple of months ago, she could barely note any difference, so my initial thought was it can’t regress much more than it is now.

    Currently on hold to someone to see if they can do anything about the appt being in 2024, they assure me my call is important to them, but I’ve only been on hold for 80 minutes so far….
    I'm curious why she felt re-placement was not an option but re-surfacing is? The latter is actually a more technically demanding operation and one which only a fraction of hip surgeons now undertake. I'm a big fan of the concept as gives the prospect of something that could last for life (why Andy Murray went down that route) as long as you aren't unfortunate in developing a metal ion problem, hence ongoing trials of ceramic continue. I've never heard of anyone being rejected for replacement in favour of re-surfacing, but a LOT that are the other way around because of the specifics needed to avert the underlying re-surfacing risks.

  32. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by thegreatdogwood View Post
    I'm curious why she felt re-placement was not an option but re-surfacing is? The latter is actually a more technically demanding operation and one which only a fraction of hip surgeons now undertake. I'm a big fan of the concept as gives the prospect of something that could last for life (why Andy Murray went down that route) as long as you aren't unfortunate in developing a metal ion problem, hence ongoing trials of ceramic continue. I've never heard of anyone being rejected for replacement in favour of re-surfacing, but a LOT that are the other way around because of the specifics needed to avert the underlying re-surfacing risks.
    Had a quick google earlier, and as you point out, some concerns with metal on metal resurfacing. The main positive seems to be because you're keeping existing hip joint with resurfacing
    , it makes the area of joint larger, so aids movement, less chance of dislocation if you have a more physical job, or sportsman for instance.

    Oh. Hung up after 2 hours, and tried a different option number.Through in 5 minutes.Reason appt is June '24 is because surgeon only works 1 day per month out of my hospitals location. I requested a different consultant/surgeon, whereby was then asked if I could accept an appt at "his" base of work. I of course said I could travel and they've now moved the date to 1st December
    Last edited by deanlad; 14th November 2023 at 23:35.

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