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Thread: Reply to those i felt were over the top fault finders in my dark web thread.

  1. #1
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    Reply to those i felt were over the top fault finders in my dark web thread.

    Hi, firstly please dont tell me that i am asking a silly question or, to take the hint and shut up, or to read read read. While i may not be as educated as some think they are, and i am not the type of person to be nasty in my comments to anyone because they ask a harmless question. Also thanks you guys that answerd my question and were not judgemental.

  2. #2
    Craftsman D3ckard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sangman View Post
    Hi, firstly please dont tell me that i am asking a silly question or, to take the hint and shut up, or to read read read. While i may not be as educated as some think they are, and i am not the type of person to be nasty in my comments to anyone because they ask a harmless question. Also thanks you guys that answerd my question and were not judgemental.
    It's never nice when people make you feel bad, but better (if not always easier) to ignore the comments and move on. We dont (i'm afraid) live in a world where you can discuss what you like openly and be guaranteed to be treated kindly. I have always found this to be true when covering illegal matters like drugs. The Dark web is, if nothing else, a very contraversial place so I'd keep that to people you know and trust. Just some friendly advice, nothing more, nothing less.

  3. #3
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sangman View Post
    Hi, firstly please dont tell me that i am asking a silly question or, to take the hint and shut up, or to read read read.
    Good grief, do some people never learn!

    Quote Originally Posted by sangman View Post
    While i may not be as educated as some think they are, and i am not the type of person to be nasty in my comments to anyone because they ask a harmless question.

    It's nothing to do with education. You previous education is irrelevant. What you teach yourself by listening is more important. Asking questions is NOT always the right thing to do. And part of the point is that you didn't ask a "harmless question".

    Learn from what you are told. Learn also from what you are not told. Learn from the nature of replies. Use your knowledge and experience of being a human being to see why people answer certain questions in certain ways, why certain questions are labelled as foolish, why you are told to shut up and read read read. This type of advice is not nasty; it's actually the best answer to your question.

    Sometimes the right answer is not the one you think it is. Sometimes the right question is not the one you are asking.

  4. #4
    Grand Master markrlondon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3ckard View Post
    We dont (i'm afraid) live in a world where you can discuss what you like openly and be guaranteed to be treated kindly.
    In fact the answers (including mine) that I think sangman might have found unkind were not really unkind at all. I was using my knowledge and experience to give him the best answers to his question. He was (and still is not) in a position to know what questions he should be asking or where/how he should be asking them.

    I was attempting to do him a favour but, instead of STOPPING and THINKING about what he was being told, he didn't see it.

    Sometimes the people who take time to reply to a person's questions (but not in the way that the person wants) are not just being nasty: They are in fact giving excellent advice that a wise person (or a person who wishes to become wise) would stop and think about.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by markrlondon View Post
    Good grief, do some people never learn!


    It's nothing to do with education. You previous education is irrelevant. What you teach yourself by listening is more important. Asking questions is NOT always the right thing to do. And part of the point is that you didn't ask a "harmless question".

    Learn from what you are told. Learn also from what you are not told. Learn from the nature of replies. Use your knowledge and experience of being a human being to see why people answer certain questions in certain ways, why certain questions are labelled as foolish, why you are told to shut up and read read read. This type of advice is not nasty; it's actually the best answer to your question.

    Sometimes the right answer is not the one you think it is. Sometimes the right question is not the one you are asking.
    Ever been fishing ? what do put on the end of your line. Lol

  6. #6
    Master reggie747's Avatar
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