Quote Originally Posted by xxnick1975 View Post
Got it, makes sense.

Did you not know beforehand the age group you were playing against?

Any over age?

It can be difficult for the better girls academy teams to find suitable opposition, so well done to you guys for giving them a good game.

Did your boys enjoy it, that's the main thing.

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We knew who we were playing but had no idea a team of giants would turn up.

As they were playing in the U-12's we assumed they would be the right age and when I took it up with their manager he put me in the picture as it is not something we had come across before.

So it was 13 year olds playing 11 year olds.

In answer to your question, the boys didn't really enjoy it at all, they were being bashed about all over the place plus on the receiving end of shirt pulling, pushing etc that is taught to youngsters at academy football.

We have to play them at their place next time.